
Board position on medications

Published Tue 11 Jun 2024

Biathlon Australia

Dear Biathlon Australia family,

While Biathlon Australia awaits confirmation of their National Sporting Organisation recognition and resulting adoption of the National Integrity Framework and its associated policies, the Board have issued the following position on the Use of Medications in Biathlon to provide clear guidance ahead of the upcoming domestic season.

Please ensure that you are familiar with the information in this document. A copy will also be posted in the news section of the website.


Biathlon Australia Limited 

(ACN 167 329 044) 

Ground Floor 112 Wellington Parade 

East Melbourne Vic 3002 


Issued: 21 May 2024 

Board Position on the Use of Medications in Biathlon 

Biathlon Australia is currently on the journey to becoming recognised as the National Sporting Organisation for Biathlon in Australia. As part of this journey, we are working towards implementing several policies and procedures to help ensure the safety and integrity of athletes, coaches, directors, and support staff.  

While we work through this process of implementing improvements, the Board would like to share with the Biathlon Australia family, their position on the use of medications. To formulate this position, we have drawn upon the Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) suite of National Integrity Framework policies including the Improper Use of Drugs and Medicine Policy and the 'Child Safe Practices’ within the Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy the. In addition, we have considered advice from SIA’s Medical Advisor. 

This position relates to all prescribed and over-the-counter medications, including but not limited to salbutamol/albuterol (Ventolin), pseudoephedrine, and phenylephrine. 

It is the position of the Board that in either a training or a competition context: 

  • Medications must only be taken by athletes in line with written prescription or advice by an approved medical professional.  

  • Athletes requiring prescribed or over-the counter medications should have this documented in a medical management plan prepared in consultation with a medical professional. 

  • Any prescribed or over-the counter medications should be taken in line with the athlete’s medical management plan and coaches and team managers should be briefed on the requirements of the plan. 

  • Athletes should purchase and travel with their own prescription and over-the-counter medication. 

  • Athletes should not use medications supplied by anyone else, including coaches, other team members, or team managers.  

  • In the case of under 18 athletes, prescribed or over-the counter medications must only be given with express written permission of their parent or guardian.   

It is important that athletes (and their parents, if under 18) are aware of and support fellow athletes, coaches and support personnel to uphold these regulations.    Not only will this position help keep our athletes and young people safe, but it will also ensure that our coaches and support personnel are above reproach.   

Reporting by any concerned person should be made to 


David, Sandy, Brett, Tristan, Mark, Murray, Libby and Katerina



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